The Gut-Brain Connection
Did you know that if you are suffering from any neurological or mental health condition that you have brain inflammation? It's the inflammation in your brain that contributes to most of your symptoms. Where is that inflammation coming from? Some of the main sources include lifestyle factors, such as how much you exercise and how you deal with stress, but an often overlooked source is your gut health.
The gut-brain connection is well recognized. In recent years, there has been an explosion of research into the gut microbiome as it relates to brain conditions. With this new understanding of how your gut affects your brain, comes a new approach to managing your neurological condition symptoms. Learning how to eat to nourish your gut and its microbiome is an important component in regaining your brain health, reducing inflammation, and supporting plasticity (the brain’s ability to change and adapt).
I’ve developed a unique approach to reduce the neuro-inflammation that goes with neurological conditions and to support brain plasticity through diet. By providing the right foods, the Neurish program gives your body the tools it needs to maximize therapies, build new neural pathways, support needed metabolic processes, and hinder the processes that interfere with plasticity.