Need some warming up?  We've had a couple of really cold spells here in Calgary recently.  Having some warm drink recipes is a great way to help you get through cold, wintery days.

This recipe is a new favourite.  I love cardamom in baking, so wanted to create a warm, spiced drink that incorporated this sweet spice.  

Cardamom Milk.JPG


1 cup almond milk or coconut milk
2 medjool dates
¼ inch piece of ginger root
¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
pinch of salt
Optional:  ½ tablespoon collagen powder

Gently heat the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.  While it warms up put remaining ingredients in a high-speed blender.  Add warm milk and blend until the dates are emulsified into the drink.

The dates in this drink add sweetness without causing a spike in blood sugars.  Sometimes I double this and have it as my breakfast.
What is your favourite gut-healthy, warm drink?  

Happy, Healthy Eating!